MyBlue offers online tools, resources and services for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona Members, contracted brokers/consultants, healthcare professionals, and group benefit administrators. 24/7 online access to account transactions and other useful resources, help to ensure that your account information is available to you any time of the day or night.
Email requirements:
First character must be an ascii letter (a-z) or number (0-9)
Cannot contain consecutive periods (.)
Must contain an at sign (@)
Cannot have ` ~ @ before @
Following the @ sign must be alphanumeric
Must end with a period followed by at least two letters (a-z) for example .com or .org
No special character after @ symbol
Username requirements:
Use between 6 and 25 characters
Username cannot include spaces or special characters (&, %, *, etc.)
Password requirements:
Must be at least 8 characters
Must contain 1 number
Must contain 1 uppercase letter
Must contain 1 lowercase letter
Cannot contain part of username
Only the following special characters are allowed: ” ! # $ % & ' ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
Security Answer requirements:
Must be at least 4 characters
Cannot contain part of the security question
Cannot contain part of email address
Cannot be same as password
Cannot be same as username
Your registration has been denied. There is already a registration on file for the Tax ID that was entered. Please contact the Administrator listed below in order to be set up as an authorized user.